How many times have you glanced at the mirror only to be disappointed by your limited gains in dense, rock-solid muscle? Well, you’re not alone. Tons of bodybuilders experience the same mediocre, lacklustre results. One main reason – they’re not getting enough amino acids. For decades, leading researchers and biochemists have conclusively proven that amino acids are the building blocks of protein and, more importantly, the foundation for new gains in lean muscle. By acting as the primary catalyst responsible for protein synthesis, amino acids are assimilated into new muscle tissue.
Utilizing state-of-the-art complexes and ultra-fast nanoparticulation technology, Alpha Amino Prototype 216 supplies your muscles with a precisely-dosed amount of nanoparticulated aminos, essential aminos, conditionally essential aminos and precision ratio branched chain aminos (BCAAs) needed to build a massive amount of rock-hard muscle. It’s this mega-dosed and exclusive blend of amino acids that has made Alpha Amino Prototype 216 undeniably the most advanced super-amino muscle growth accelerant ever formulated!
Not all amino acid supplements are equal. In fact, most amino acid formulas you find on the shelf won’t even source a clinical study supporting their key ingredient. And the fact is, if you’re not maximizing amino acid concentrations in your muscles, you’re sabotaging your gains. That’s why you need to make sure that you’re supplementing with a scientifically-validated amino acid supplement designed to deliver the complete spectrum of high-quality aminos your body demands. Supplementing with a key complex of amino acids with ongoing training is essential to permanent gains in muscle growth activity.
With the plethora of amino acids sitting on store shelves, selecting the right product can be a daunting task for even the most experienced bodybuilder. Now, with the release of the world’s most advanced next generation super-amino muscle growth accelerant – Alpha Amino Prototype 216 – you’ll never consider searching for another amino product again! Unlike regular amino acid products that contain lower-grade sources of aminos, Alpha Amino Prototype 216 is mega-dosed with a precise amount of four comprehensive forms of aminos – nanoparticulated aminos designed for ultra-fast absorption, essential aminos, conditionally essential aminos and precision ratio branched chain aminos (BCAAs) – needed to build unmatched muscle.
With Alpha Amino Prototype 216, not only are you getting the exact ratio of aminos in direct proportion to their physiological requirements for rapid protein synthesis, but you'll also be able to drive more aminos to your muscles faster than ever with exclusive Rapid Explosion and Nano-Diffuse technologies - The results speak for themselves!
In a clinical study, subjects consuming the key complex in Prototype 216 immediately before training increased blood amino acid delivery by 650 percent directly to their muscles! This increased delivery in combination with ongoing training is critical to producing rapid and permanent muscle growth that demands attention everywhere. As if possessing the most unique and advanced amino acid blend and delivery technologies isn’t enough, the same clinical study showed that the amino acid complex found in Alpha Amino Prototype 216 caused a shocking 216 percent increase in muscle uptake in what clinical research indicates is a key marker of protein synthesis (phenylalanine), which is muscle growth occurring at the cellular level! The muscle-building effects of Alpha Amino Prototype 216 are so shocking, you need to feel them for yourself.
What is Alpha Amino Prototype 216?
Alpha Amino Prototype 216 is the future in super-amino acid muscle-building technology and is specifically designed for anyone who is tired of mediocre results. Its scientifically advanced, research-backed formula is engineered with a lab-proven dosage of amino acids in the precise amounts designed to increase free intracellular amino acid levels and protein synthesis, amplify your anabolic activity and foster extreme muscle growth.
How does Alpha Amino Prototype 216 work?
By utilizing the power of Nano-Diffuse technology, as well as cutting-edge clinical science, Alpha Amino Prototype 216 is the most scientifically advanced amino acid supplement available. In one clinical study, the amino acid complex found in Alpha Amino Prototype 216 caused a shocking 216 percent increase in muscle uptake in what clinical research indicates is a key marker of protein synthesis (phenylalanine) – that means muscle growth is occurring at the cellular level! Also, as shown by the same clinical study executed at the prestigious University of Texas, subjects taking a key complex in Alpha Amino Prototype 216 before intense training increased blood amino acid delivery directly to muscles by an astonishing 650 percent. Increased amino acid delivery in combination with ongoing training is critical to achieving rapid muscle and permanent muscle gains! No other amino supplement on the market today can match the incredible muscle enhancing numbers of the groundbreaking Alpha Amino Prototype 216 pre-workout formula!
How do you take Alpha Amino Prototype 216?
You should begin by reading the entire label carefully before use; follow directions as provided. As a dietary supplement, take 1 serving (6 caplets) of Prototype 216 with your favourite sports drink 15 minutes before your workout.