No Commodity code Description
1 0301 10 10 00 Freshwater fish
2 0301 10 90 00 Saltwater fish
3 0301 99 80 70 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
4 0302 63 00 00 Coalfish (Pollachius virens)
5 0302 65 20 00 Dogfish of the species Squalus acanthias
6 0302 65 50 00 Dogfish of the species Scyliorhinus spp.
7 0302 67 00 00 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
8 0302 68 00 00 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.)
9 0302 69 11 00 Freshwater fish
10 0302 69 21 00 Saltwater fish
11 0302 69 21 00 Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than the skipjack or stripe-bellied bonitos (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) mentioned in subheading 0302 33
12 0302 69 31 00 Redfish (Sebastes spp.)
13 0302 69 81 00 Monkfish (Lophius spp.)
14 0302 69 99 20 Lump fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) with roe, for processing
15 0302 69 99 40 Fish of the species Kathetostoma giganteum
16 0302 69 99 40 Lump fish (Cyclopterus lumpus) with roe, for processing
17 0303 39 30 00 Fish of the genus Rhombosolea
18 0303 61 00 00 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
19 0303 61 00 00 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) and toothfish (Dissostichus spp.), excluding livers and roes
20 0303 62 00 10 Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides)
21 0303 73 00 00 Coalfish (Pollachius virens)
22 0303 75 20 00 Dogfish of the species Squalus acanthias
23 0303 75 50 00 Dogfish of the species Scyliorhinus spp.
24 0303 79 11 00 Freshwater fish
25 0303 79 21 00 Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than the skipjack or stripe-bellied bonitos (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis) mentioned in subheading 0303 43
26 0303 79 21 00 Saltwater fish
27 0303 79 35 00 Redfish (Sebastes spp.)
28 0303 79 58 00 Fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor
29 0303 79 81 00 Monkfish (Lophius spp.)
30 0303 79 94 00 Fish of the species Pelotreis flavilatus or Peltorhamphus novaezelandiae
31 0303 79 98 31 Patagonian rockcod (Salilota australis), Patagonian grenadier (Macruronus magellanicus) and fish of the species Sparus pagrus (red sea bream)
32 0303 79 98 40 Fish of the species Kathetostoma giganteum
33 0304 11 90 00 Other fish meat (whether or not minced)
34 0304 12 90 00 Other fish meat (whether or not minced)
35 0304 19 33 00 Of coalfish (Pollachius virens)
36 0304 19 35 00 Of redfish (Sebastes spp.)
37 0304 19 39 45 Of dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
38 0304 19 99 21 Of cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) and of fish of the species Boreogadus saida
39 0304 19 99 40 Of coalfish (Pollachius virens)
40 0304 19 99 60 Of dogfish of the species Squalus acanthias
41 0304 19 99 65 Of sharks (Squalus spp.), excluding of dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
42 0304 19 99 81 Of redfish (Sebastes spp.)
43 0304 21 00 00 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
44 0304 22 00 10 Of Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides)
45 0304 29 31 00 Of coalfish (Pollachius virens)
46 0304 29 35 00 Of redfish (Sebastes spp.)
47 0304 29 51 00 Of mackerel (Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber japonicus) and of fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor
48 0304 29 61 10 Of dogfish (Squalus acanthias)
49 0304 29 83 00 Of monkfish (Lophius spp.)
50 0304 91 00 00 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
51 0304 92 00 00 Toothfish (Dissostichus spp.)
52 0304 99 29 00 Of redfish (Sebastes spp.)
53 0304 99 41 00 Of coalfish (Pollachius virens)
54 0304 99 65 00 Of monkfish (Lophius spp.)
55 0304 99 99 31 Meat of dogfish of the species Squalus acanthias
56 0305 20 00 19 Of swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
57 0305 20 00 76 Of swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
58 0305 30 11 00 Of cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus) and of fish of the species Boreogadus saida
59 0305 30 90 20 Of fish of the species Clupea ilisha, in brine
60 0305 30 90 40 Of swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
61 0305 49 80 20 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
62 0305 59 11 00 Fish of the species Boreogadus saida
63 0305 59 80 50 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
64 0305 61 00 00 Fish, salted but not dried or smoked and fish in brine
65 0305 69 80 20 Fish of the species Clupea ilisha, in brine
66 0305 69 80 50 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
67 0306 19 10 00 Freshwater crayfish
68 0306 21 00 00 Rock lobster and other sea crawfish (Palinurus spp., Panulirus spp., Jasus spp.)
69 0306 29 10 00 Freshwater crayfish
70 0307 41 10 00 Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.)
71 0307 49 01 00 Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.)
72 0307 49 01 00 Lesser cuttle fish (Sepiola rondeleti)
73 0307 49 11 00 Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.)
74 0307 49 71 00 Cuttle fish (Sepia officinalis, Rossia macrosoma, Sepiola spp.)
75 0307 99 15 00 Jellyfish (Rhopilema spp.)
76 0504 00 00 00 Guts, bladders and stomachs of animals (other than fish), whole and pieces thereof, fresh, chilled, frozen, salted, in brine, dried or smoked
77 0511 91 10 00 Fish waste
78 1516 10 10 10 Of fish and of marine mammals
79 1516 10 90 11 Of fish and of marine mammals
80 1604 19 31 00 Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than skipjack (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis)
81 1604 19 50 00 Fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor
82 1604 19 91 30 Of swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
83 1604 19 93 10 Preserved smoked coalfish
84 1604 19 98 20 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
85 1604 20 90 20 Preserved smoked coalfish
86 1604 20 90 60 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
87 1604 30 90 10 Hard fish roes, washed, cleaned of adherent organs and simply salted or in brine, for processing
88 1605 40 00 30 Freshwater crayfish cooked with dill, frozen
89 1902 20 10 00 Containing more than 20 % by weight of fish, crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates
90 2301 20 00 00 Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates
91 2309 90 10 10 Fish feed
92 2309 90 10 10 Of fish
93 2309 90 31 30 Fish feed
94 2309 90 41 20 Fish feed
95 7302 40 00 00 Fish-plates and sole plates
96 9507 10 00 00 Fishing rods
97 9507 20 10 00 Fish-hooks, not snelled
98 9507 30 00 00 Fishing reels